Blog do Project - Tudo que você queria saber sobre Microsoft Project

SharePoint 2013 e Project Server 2013 Trial


Todos já sabem que o SharePoint Server 2013, Project Server 2013 e Project Professional 2013 já foram lançados, mas quem ainda não baixou e quer fazer um teste da nova versão, foi diponibilizado as versões trial dos produtos:

SharePoint Server 2013:

Project Server 2013:

Project Professional:

OBS: Vale lembrar que o trial é válido por 180 dias.


André Xavier

Relato do evento SharePoint 360


Pessoal, ontem estive palestrando no evento SharePoint 360 que aconteceu em São Paulo. Com mais de 250 pessoas, o evento foi muito bom e espero poder participar ano que vem novamente,

Uma das grandes novidades do evento deste ano foi a realização do Congresso em 2 auditórios:

  • Auditório de Negócio – Esse espaço foi direcionado para palestras com vários casos de sucesso.
  • Auditório Técnico – Como o próprio nome diz, esse espaço foi para quem queria palestras mais técnicas e tinha interesse em saber as novidades do SharePoint 2013. Eu acabei palestrando sobre o Project Server 2013 neste auditório.


Veja algumas fotos do evento:

SharePoint 360 - RenatoSharePoint 360 - JPSharePoint 360 - ThiagoSharePoint 360 - Eu


Quem quiser saber como foi minha palestra, dê uma olhada neste post.

O novo Project chega ao marco de RTM

project-largeHoje o time de Project anunciou que o novo Project chegou ao importante marco de RTM (Release to Manufacturing) ou seja a versão final do produto. Quer dizer mais alguns dias já poderemos comprar e instalar a nova versão do Project.

Lembrando que não será apenas o Project que estará disponível, mas Office, Project Server, SharePoint, Lync e Exchange. Pensando em Project Server, vale lembrar que a Microsoft irá disponibilizar o Project Online, deixando a cargo do cliente escolher se deseja uma solução de gerenciamento de portfolio online (ou na nuvem como o pessoal gosta de falar) ou dentro da própria empresa.

Para os clientes que tem Software Assurance o Project Professional 2013 e Project Server 2013 estarão disponíveis no meio de novembro e os produtos estarão disponíveis na lista de preços de Volume Licensing no dia 1o de Dezembro.

Veja o post do blog oficial do Project: The New Microsoft Project reaches RTM

Veja o post do blog oficial do Office: Office Reaches RTM

Parabéns a equipe do Project e não vejo a hora de instalar tudo 2013 na minha máquina!


André Xavier

Novas certificações SharePoint 2013

Descobri hoje duas novas certificações para o SharePoint 2013, ambas para o público de IT Pros:

Ambas com disponibilidade para 5 de Fevereiro de 2013, mas ainda sem material definido para estudo.

Reparem que ambas serão pré-requisitos para a certificação MCSE:

  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): SharePoint

Assim que tiver mais informações divulgo aqui no Blog.

SharePoint Ignite (2012)


Conforme postei agora a pouco, o time de Project anunciou o Project Ignite para treinar os clientes e parceiros na nova versão do Project, Project Server e Project Online. Mas navegando pelo site pude descobrir que além do Ignite de Project, teremos mais três eventos: SharePoint, Lync e Exchange + Office.

SharePoint Ignite

O programa Microsoft SharePoint Ignite foi criado para permitir que parceiros e clientes possam efetivamente implantar e administrar o novo SharePoint. O curso compreende formação técnica profunda. Com base na sua função, você tem a opção de escolher entre Profissionais de TI (4 dias) ou para Desenvolvedores (5 dias). O conteúdo do treinamento é uma mistura de apresentações de nível 300-400, bem como laboratórios práticos que representam a experiência do mundo real.

Como o conteúdo fornecido durante todo o curso é de 300-400, o mesmo exige uma grande experiência com as versões anteriores do produto para que o conteúdo seja valioso.

Locais e datas:
  • Redmond, Washington, USA:
    • Developer August 20 – 24
    • IT Pro August 21 – 24
  • Dallas, Texas, USA:
    • Developer September 17 – 21
    • IT Pro September 18 – 21
  • Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India:
    • Developer September 24 – 28
    • IT Pro September 25 – 28


Diferente do evento de Project, o evento de SharePoint não oferece a possibilidade de participar do evento via Lync.

Para mais detalhes, visite: [link]


Desenvolvimento para Office 2013, SharePoint 2013 e Project 2013

Este post é para desenvolvedores:

Project 2013

  • Project para Desenvolvedores



Office, SharePoint e Project 2013

Vídeos com treinamento de desenvolvimento para Office 2013, SharePoint Server 2013, Project 2013 e Project Server 2013. Além de cobrir a novidade de aplicativos para Office (Excel, Word, Outlook e Project) e SharePoint.

Introduction to Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 Development

Develop apps for Office 2013

Create document-based apps for Office 2013

Create mail apps for Outlook 2013

SharePoint 2013 app model for developers

SharePoint 2013 developer tools

Create hosted apps in SharePoint 2013

Create cloud-hosted apps for SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 client object model (CSOM) and REST APIs

OAuth and application identity in SharePoint 2013

Develop SharePoint 2013 remote event receivers

Workflow changes and features in SharePoint 2013

Business connectivity services changes in SharePoint 2013

Search features and changes in SharePoint 2013

Enterprise content management changes in SharePoint 2013

Social features in SharePoint 2013

Office services in SharePoint 2013

Create mobile apps for SharePoint 2013

Project Professional 2013 training for developers

Project Server 2013 training for developers

Quer treinar em SharePoint 2013 de graça?

A Microsoft liberou vários vídeos de treinamento no novíssimo SharePoint 2013.

Não perca a oportunidade e veja já comece este treinamento totalmente gratuito!


Module 1: SharePoint 2013 IT pro introduction and overview

Get an overview of key changes and new concepts in SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Foundation 2013.

  1. Overview of SharePoint 2013 features and scenarios for IT pros
    Video | Presentation
Module 2: SharePoint 2013 system requirements

Learn about the hardware and software requirements for SharePoint 2013 and supported browser levels and setup considerations.

  1. SharePoint 2013 system requirements
  2. Video | Presentation
Module 3: SharePoint 2013 architectural changes

Learn about key architectural changes in the SharePoint 2013 platform. We’ll highlight the most relevant changes from an overall architectural perspective.

  1. Creating routing and throttling rules in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
  2. Overview of SharePoint 2013 analytics features and implementation
    Video | Presentation
Module 4: SharePoint 2013 server farms and site architecture planning

Plan for server farms and sites in SharePoint 2013. Learn about planning for the distributed cache, changes in alternate access mappings and self-service site creation, new features in themes, and new ways to share sites, lists, and libraries.

  1. SharePoint 2013 distributed cache service
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 alternate access mapping and self-service site creation
    Video | Presentation
  3. Change, test, and implement site collection themes in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
  4. Overview of SharePoint 2013 sharing including requesting and viewing permissions
    Video | Presentation
Module 5: Office Web Apps 2013 architecture and deployment

Learn about the new architecture and deployment model for Office Web Apps including architectural changes, deployment options, and operation aspects.

  1. Overview of Office Web Apps 2013
    Video | Presentation
  2. Deploying Office Web Apps 2013
    Video | Presentation
  3. Managing Office Web Apps 2013
    Video | Presentation
Module 6: SharePoint 2013 service application architecture and individual service applications

Get an overview of about changes in individual service applications in SharePoint 2013, including new service applications, general considerations, and changes in service application architecture.

  1. Compare SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010 service application architectures
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in Access services
    Video | Presentation
  3. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in the apps management service application
    Video | Presentation
  4. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in Business Connectivity Services
    Video | Presentation
  5. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in Excel services
    Video | Presentation
  6. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in the User Profile service application
    Video | Presentation
  7. Walkthrough SharePoint 2013 features in the new machine translation service
    Video | Presentation
  8. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in PerformancePoint services
    Video | Presentation
  9. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in Visio services
    Video | Presentation
  10. Walkthrough SharePoint 2013 features in the work management service application
    Video | Presentation
  11. SharePoint 2013 changes and features in Word automation service
    Video | Presentation
Module 7: SharePoint 2013 enterprise search overview

Learn about the redesigned Enterprise Search in SharePoint 2013 including architectural changes to physical and logical topologies, details about configuration options for crawling, content, and query.

  1. SharePoint 2013 search architecture and topology changes and features
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 search crawl and content configuration changes and features
    Video | Presentation
  3. SharePoint 2013 search query configuration changes and features
    Video | Presentation
  4. SharePoint 2013 search results interface choices changes and features
    Video | Presentation
Module 8: SharePoint 2013 social features

Social is one of the largest investments in SharePoint 2013. New features and capabilities provide a better and more comprehensive story for social computing in SharePoint 2013. Get a walkthrough of social features in SharePoint 2013.

  1. Overview of SharePoint 2013 social features
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 community sites and forums
    Video | Presentation
  3. SharePoint 2013 My Site architecture and administration
    Video | Presentation
  4. SharePoint 2013 My Site feeds walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  5. SharePoint 2013 My Site follow walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  6. SharePoint 2013 My Site personal libraries walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  7. SharePoint 2013 My Site My Tasks walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
Module 9: SharePoint 2013 enterprise content management and web content management considerations

Get an overview of key changes and improvements in enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM) in SharePoint 2013. Learn about new capabilities from eDiscover improvements to major new capabilities for WCM-driven sites.

  1. SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Content Management walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  3. SharePoint 2013 managed metadata walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
Module 10: SharePoint 2013 customization options and management

Learn about the new customization capabilities in SharePoint 2013 and what that means from IT pro perspective. Learn about required infrastructural changes for new customization capabilities and setting up team development environments.

  1. SharePoint 2013 app model and customization options
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 app infrastructure configuration and isolation
    Video | Presentation
  3. Overview of the SharePoint 2013 renewed developer dashboard
    Video | Presentation
  4. Setting up team development infrastructure for SharePoint 2013 development
    Video | Presentation
  5. Using SharePoint 2013 Designer to create workflows in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
Module 11: SharePoint 2013 authentication and authorization overview

Get an overview of changes in claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013. Learn about new support for OAuth and how it’s used in SharePoint 2013. Also see how OAuth is used in Server to Server (S2S) authentication scenarios.

  1. Claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
  2. oAuth authentication in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
Module 12: Overview of SharePoint 2013 business continuity management

Learn about the approaches and techniques to use when devising a meaningful and cost-effective business continuity management (BCM) strategy for SharePoint 2013.

  1. Design considerations for business continuity management in SharePoint 2013
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 business continuity management features
    Video | Presentation
Module 13: Upgrading to SharePoint 2013

Learn about the different facets of upgrade preparation and understand the key skills and techniques you’ll need to successfully upgrade to SharePoint 2013.

  1. SharePoint 2013 upgrade methods and best practices walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  2. SharePoint 2013 upgrade planning tasks and preparation walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  3. SharePoint 2013 upgrade test tasks and options walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  4. SharePoint 2013 upgrade implementation tasks and options walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
  5. SharePoint 2013 upgrade validation tasks walkthrough
    Video | Presentation
Module 14: What’s new in Project 2013 for IT pros

Get details about new enhancements for Project Server 2013 for IT pros, including both on-premises and online offerings. Learn about changes in the architecture, deployment and upgrade options, and administration and operations.

  1. Project 2013 overview for IT pros
  2. Project Online overview
  3. Project 2013 scalability and performance improvements
  4. Project 2013 flexibility overview and improvements
  5. Summary of what’s new in Project 2013 for IT pros