Com um histórico de mais de quinze anos trabalhando com desenvolvimento, consultoria e gerenciamento em produtos da plataforma Microsoft. André Xavier foi fundador da Sotis Consultoria, empresa especializada em Gerenciamentos de Projetos utilizando a solução EPM da Microsoft. Em 2009 após a fusão com a BHS foi responsável pela criação e gerenciamento do escritório de São Paulo. Em 2011 de volta a Belo Horizonte, ficou responsável por toda área de consultoria da BHS.
Hoje, sou Presidente da BHS e há 6 anos seguidos recebo o prêmio de Microsoft MVP de Project.
With a history of more than fifteen years working with development, consulting and project management for the Microsoft platform, I was one of the founders of Sotis Consulting. In 2009 after the merger with BHS was the responsible for the creation and management of the São Paulo office. In 2011 I went back to Belo Horizonte and then was responsible for the consulting department.
Today, I am Chief Executive Officer at BHS and for 6 consecutive years received the Microsoft MVP Award in Project.
Certificações Project e Project Server:
- 74-348 TS: Managing Projects and Portfolios with Microsoft PPM
- 74-343 TS: Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2013
- 74-344 TS: Managing Programs and Projects with Project Server 2013
- 70-177 TS: Microsoft Project Server 2010, Architecting, Installing, and Configuring
- 70-178 TS: Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects
- 70-632 TS: Microsoft Office Project 2007, Managing Projects
- 70-633 TS: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects
- 70-634 PRO: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects and Programs
- 70-639 TS: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Configuring
- 70-281 Planning, Deploying, and Managing an Enterprise Project Management Solution 2003
Microsoft MVP de Project – 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2016-2017
Qualquer dúvida estou a disposição!
Andre Xavier
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